Choral Publications Receive New Look

Even As Christ Forgave You [cover]Alert observers will have noticed that the covers of Dunstan House choral titles have acquired a new look. This is not simply a matter of sprucing up the packaging—the interior pages are also being improved in significant ways. We have engaged the professional services of award-winning music editor David Murray to go through  the entire catalog and apply his advanced skills to the task of bringing Dunstan House publications into compliance with the highest standards of music publishing.

These efforts will sometimes require adjustments to page layout so the new covers serve the additional purpose of alerting conductors to the fact that singeCome,-Thou-Long-Expected-Jesus-[cover]rs’ scores may differ if the choir has some older copies and has added new ones to the mix. It may be better to refer to measure numbers than page numbers to indicate a starting point during rehearsal. We are convinced that these changes will nonetheless result in a cleaner, more easily read score.




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One Response to “Choral Publications Receive New Look”

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  1. Ellie says:

    Neat! Can’t wait to see the new covers!

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